• Had a really long week of early starts, busy day-job days and late other-job nights. Got two musical commissions delivered though including the gypsy jazz film soundtrack stuff. Decided that I'd finished with that last night about 1:30am having realised that I'd been working 18 hours straight, hadn't eaten properly and I was so tired I was shaking. Will post up some clips this weekend.

    One thing that I really came to realise this last couple of weeks is that it's all very well having nice condenser mics but if your room sounds less than great raises hand then an SM57 is probably going to sound better than the mic that's picking up all of those nasty early reflections and flutter echos. I had been pretty unhappy with some guitar parts recorded on my tube condenser so dug out the '57 last week. I did an entire piece in a day just using that one mic and found it so easy to mix that I decided to re-visit the gypsy jazz soundtrack stuff and re-record that with the 57 too. It was a whole world of away from the slightly cold phasey echo affected first version and took all of 20 mins to mix. Bit of a revelation tbh.
