really not bothering with that. Hes a cat, designed by nature to bring a damp squeaking end to anything small and furry or feathered. As long as the local farmer doesn't pitch up looking for his cows killer I don't really care. The cat doesn't bring his kills home after I took a bird off him last time. He has learnt that if he wants to keep it i'd better not find it in my shoes.
We had cats for years as a kid and we were always told unlike dogs cats only eat what they need but a dog will eat anything. That's not true as i've discovered with mine. He eats his, the dogs and anything else slower than him. He got a bit podgy so I started letting him out when I go to work hoping he'd exercise. Its sort of working, hes exercising and losing weight. Theres a lot less birds about too. In all honesty im worried for the cows at the farm up the road and fully expect to find on the doorstep like some bizarre mutilation with the steely eyed killer stood over it.