Used sammy slick tubulars for commuting for 2 years (3 pairs/6 tyres). Several punctures successfuly mended with continental revo sealant. Rear good for about 1500 km, had 3 replaced by schwalbe because of bulges forming before tread was done though. I thought ride was OK, but this year I'm on tufo flexus dry plus and it's no comparison. Tufos much suppler and totally round unlike sammy slicks.
Used sammy slick tubulars for commuting for 2 years (3 pairs/6 tyres). Several punctures successfuly mended with continental revo sealant. Rear good for about 1500 km, had 3 replaced by schwalbe because of bulges forming before tread was done though. I thought ride was OK, but this year I'm on tufo flexus dry plus and it's no comparison. Tufos much suppler and totally round unlike sammy slicks.