Aware, absolutely. There was also, among the "higher eschelons" of society, considerable sympathy. Look at the Daly Mail and Rothermere's unconditional support for Hitler. Many of the upper class were worried about socialism and communism and saw fascism as a way to avoid it. This coupled with institutional anti semitism led to some nasty people supporting filth. It was bad here but worse in France. But institutions like the police and army were there to protect fascists from reds and Jews.
Aware, absolutely. There was also, among the "higher eschelons" of society, considerable sympathy. Look at the Daly Mail and Rothermere's unconditional support for Hitler. Many of the upper class were worried about socialism and communism and saw fascism as a way to avoid it. This coupled with institutional anti semitism led to some nasty people supporting filth. It was bad here but worse in France. But institutions like the police and army were there to protect fascists from reds and Jews.
All conveniently forgotten in the war.