Here is a little situation, there has been a tabby hanging out in my garden and he seems to know where to push the button with my Patch - he would sit at the exactly same spots as Patch does and roll around in my garden. I often see the 2 of them have a stare off for long periods of time etc... my cat is bothered by it but instead of fighting the tabby off like she has with the rest of the 4 legged population in the neighbourhood, she goes into hiding when tabby is here.
What can I do? Tabby is smaller than Patch and seem to have a home etc, both not scared of people, seems pretty friendly and getting closer and closer to the front of the garden...
We have had the same issue with the cat next door, they seem to have come to some sort of arrangement over time and now he seems to leave her alone and she has stopped running away. It was pretty tense for a while though.
Here is a little situation, there has been a tabby hanging out in my garden and he seems to know where to push the button with my Patch - he would sit at the exactly same spots as Patch does and roll around in my garden. I often see the 2 of them have a stare off for long periods of time etc... my cat is bothered by it but instead of fighting the tabby off like she has with the rest of the 4 legged population in the neighbourhood, she goes into hiding when tabby is here.
What can I do? Tabby is smaller than Patch and seem to have a home etc, both not scared of people, seems pretty friendly and getting closer and closer to the front of the garden...