The chain direction didn't change (I didn't remove it from the bike), so I presume it's on the right way.
It's almost like the chainline changed, except it hasn't because the ring sits flush on the crank and there's no other way to mount it. It's in the same orientation as the old ring too.
I may do a last minute change back to the double setup or try a new chain not sure yet.
Sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope all goes well.
Silly question, the chain is on the right way, is it? Some are biased for best gearchange performance - but work like a bag of spanners when not fitted per the strucshins. Only other thing I can think of is if the chain has had a lot of miles on the old ring, it won't be as well matched to the new ring, but you know that anyway.
I'm bailing out of the 24h - my mum has just been carted into hospital and needs support, so I'll wish you all the best now Hippy, go and smash it!