I've got the smaller anker solar charger and a battery cheap in preparation for touring later this year, not used them properly yet but did a bit of a test run and was impressed that it even charges with indirect sunlight, I'm confident that in the direct sunlight it will charge well, you can also choose a bigger battery (I got the smallest) some of which can charge 2 or more devices at the same time. I've got a couple of anker lightning cables too which are well built.
Anyone know about a legit decent battery pack with a solar cell on it? Something you can strap to your rack while riding all day and get a bit of power from. Something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/12000mAh-Rain-resistant-Shockproof-Portable-Chargers/dp/B00NTUVJFI/ref=sr_1_13?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1436865540&sr=1-13&keywords=solar+panel+and+battery