I've got a very old Philips that needs new wheels and years ago I bought a set of 27'' with fairly old campag hubs (they've got a 6 speed).
I just tried to fit them and of course they don't fit because the axles are too big. On another bike I filed the drop outs but as its my dads I'd rather not.
Can I buy replacement axles that will fit the hubs and dropouts ?
Also the little cog on the 6 speed block rub the chain stay. Is it best to space it out with a spacer?
I've got a very old Philips that needs new wheels and years ago I bought a set of 27'' with fairly old campag hubs (they've got a 6 speed).
I just tried to fit them and of course they don't fit because the axles are too big. On another bike I filed the drop outs but as its my dads I'd rather not.
Can I buy replacement axles that will fit the hubs and dropouts ?
Also the little cog on the 6 speed block rub the chain stay. Is it best to space it out with a spacer?