Reality returns. Just checked my online banking for the first time since May. Not great. Have used the unexpected bounty to pay off my overdraft and credit card. No new axes for me just yet. At least I'm now in substantially less danger of having to sell the ones I have or end up giving handjobs for crack. And that feels pretty good. AND ALL THANKS TO GUITARS!
Reckon I can stretch to a steak dinner on a square plate tonight! still dancing
Reality returns. Just checked my online banking for the first time since May. Not great. Have used the unexpected bounty to pay off my overdraft and credit card. No new axes for me just yet. At least I'm now in substantially less danger of having to sell the ones I have or end up giving handjobs for crack. And that feels pretty good. AND ALL THANKS TO GUITARS!
Reckon I can stretch to a steak dinner on a square plate tonight! still dancing