But it got more charging in the toilets at campsites that it did from the sun due to the small solar panel size. Large battery size was useful though. Looking for a larger fold-out jobby this year to put over the whole top of the rack/panniers to use in tandem with the battery pack, something like: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Instapark-Portable-Charger-Compatible-Devices/dp/B006ZRYU9O .
We had some success with this guy when we were out for 6 weeks:
But it got more charging in the toilets at campsites that it did from the sun due to the small solar panel size. Large battery size was useful though. Looking for a larger fold-out jobby this year to put over the whole top of the rack/panniers to use in tandem with the battery pack, something like: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Instapark-Portable-Charger-Compatible-Devices/dp/B006ZRYU9O .