All the bits are on order, should arrive in the next couple of days. Not going to build anything up until I've done the paint tho.
Decided to go for a slightly more rubbish rattlecan job, albeit with a number of layers and sanding in between. I have a bit of previous with spray paint, but I think trying to work out a spray gun is going to leave me worse off than I am now.
I'm also conflicted about doing a hot pink to black fade and probably fucking it up, or a black basecoat with hot pink paint-splatter, which would be much easier to achieve. I'm throwing this one to forum democracy so... which sounds better?
All the bits are on order, should arrive in the next couple of days. Not going to build anything up until I've done the paint tho.
Decided to go for a slightly more rubbish rattlecan job, albeit with a number of layers and sanding in between. I have a bit of previous with spray paint, but I think trying to work out a spray gun is going to leave me worse off than I am now.
I'm also conflicted about doing a hot pink to black fade and probably fucking it up, or a black basecoat with hot pink paint-splatter, which would be much easier to achieve. I'm throwing this one to forum democracy so... which sounds better?