After moving house I've finally unboxed a load of stuff that has been packed since I came back from Japan, including my near mint Nikon FM2.
So, what is the best way to acquire cheap B/W film in the UK so I can start running some rolls through it?
Also, scanning - I have a Canon flatbed (9000F?) still packaged for posting back to the UK. Is it worth getting out or should I sell it and use the proceeds for a lab to do a better job when the process my negatives?
After moving house I've finally unboxed a load of stuff that has been packed since I came back from Japan, including my near mint Nikon FM2.
So, what is the best way to acquire cheap B/W film in the UK so I can start running some rolls through it?
Also, scanning - I have a Canon flatbed (9000F?) still packaged for posting back to the UK. Is it worth getting out or should I sell it and use the proceeds for a lab to do a better job when the process my negatives?