If you haven't got much experience with Elektrickery I think building a Valve amp would be too risky TBH. I am Mr H+S! But alls not lost....Howsabout a DIY Solid State amp kit? Back in 1969 John Lindsey Hood came out with a Class A biased Transistor amp design that some folk still rave about, I admit I've never knowingly heard one meself but the 'JLH amp' crops up numerous times in HiFi conversations. Being a SS amp it'll have lower HT rails and could be a sfer bet than diving in and 'doing-a-valve-amp' straight away.
Fair enough, I'll leave valves well alone for now :) I do like the idea of putting a little SS amp together. Thanks for the suggestion - I'll look into it and may come back with some more stupid questions!
No problem Mr Recall.
If you haven't got much experience with Elektrickery I think building a Valve amp would be too risky TBH. I am Mr H+S! But alls not lost....Howsabout a DIY Solid State amp kit? Back in 1969 John Lindsey Hood came out with a Class A biased Transistor amp design that some folk still rave about, I admit I've never knowingly heard one meself but the 'JLH amp' crops up numerous times in HiFi conversations. Being a SS amp it'll have lower HT rails and could be a sfer bet than diving in and 'doing-a-valve-amp' straight away.
A quick eBay search throws up -> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-X-MINI-JLH-HOOD-1969-CLASS-A-3W-AUDIO-POWER-AMPLIFIER-KIT-/151388877083?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item233f7af11b
Simple and dirt cheap to get you started. It wont be the worlds greatest amp, but its a cheap project!