It also seems, looking around on the web that Diego Vitali was Gimondi's mechanic from 68 to 73 "Salvarani" team.
He seem to have built around 3000 frames
He also built a lot of frames for Vicini and other bigger italian Brands and he was really good in TIG welding.
He has died at the age of 89
He is a little know legend, makes great frames and this is one of them
It also seems, looking around on the web that Diego Vitali was Gimondi's mechanic from 68 to 73 "Salvarani" team.
He seem to have built around 3000 frames
He also built a lot of frames for Vicini and other bigger italian Brands and he was really good in TIG welding.
He has died at the age of 89
He is a little know legend, makes great frames and this is one of them