If you still have this frame and fork available I will take it please. Been after one of these for ages and only just stumbled across this site. PLEASE tell me you still have it.
Although I live in Melbourne, I am a Pommy, who moved out here about 12 years ago. My parents still live in the UK (East Sussex) and I would get you to send it to them, or maybe they could pick it up from you (COD). Either way, I guess first things first, do you still have it?
You can contact me at: russ_shaw68@yahoo.com.au.
G'Day Mockenrue,
If you still have this frame and fork available I will take it please. Been after one of these for ages and only just stumbled across this site. PLEASE tell me you still have it.
Although I live in Melbourne, I am a Pommy, who moved out here about 12 years ago. My parents still live in the UK (East Sussex) and I would get you to send it to them, or maybe they could pick it up from you (COD). Either way, I guess first things first, do you still have it?
You can contact me at: russ_shaw68@yahoo.com.au.
many thanks.