Maybe get your mum a long arm clip/tog thing, you know what people use to pick up rubbish on the street before you go... this has helped me a lot in overcoming my phobia with my lovely presents my loving cat brings me... now I look at the dead bodies and think they are rather cute... except for the ones with certain body parts.
If you google long arm grabbers, there are loads with various prices. I don't actually have 1, I just use a tong we bought from the pound shop at the last BBQ... Obvious haven't used it for food since it made contact with a mouse... Chopsticks are also amazingly useful.
Maybe get your mum a long arm clip/tog thing, you know what people use to pick up rubbish on the street before you go... this has helped me a lot in overcoming my phobia with my lovely presents my loving cat brings me... now I look at the dead bodies and think they are rather cute... except for the ones with certain body parts.