By now I'm wondering if sane to build myself or just go for planet x al30 d set for £100...if you wreck one just get another one :):)
It's for a fixed so not much braking but yes wet and grime eat brake tracks quickly. Good point.
The whole plan was to save weight over a shop value build.
Though aerorage is £25 DT Swiss £28 so ... It's not that much of an outlay if one goes "KLUNK"
After much derp the plan is:
1 - Halo Aerorage rim (most economical for 455 grams weight)
2 - Hubs: BWD 2014 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231588252859?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=530824114277&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
(as recommended on this thread)
3 - DT Swiss Revolution spokes (double butted) front and back
Weight saved for halo aerorage wheels buy...not clear could be 65 grams...or much more.
For winter street riding on reasonable crappy roads...32 at rear, 24 at front, 3 cross rear, 2 cross front. I'm under 90KG with backpack all the shizzle.
Let me know what you think or forever hold your peace...nothing bought so can still go 36/28 or another hole pattern, or use different spokes if you think those are a little too light :)