I thought there were far fewer novelty/unusual bikes this year?
Apart from the posse on the funny treading machines. I didn't see any Ken/Santander bikes, bmxs or pennies. Saw a few spaceframe Moultons leaving London Fields, and several Bromptons on the way. One guy on a bakers bike with big box upfront. I was impressed by the orange cargo bike with big sound system in front, 24" wheels I think, going at a fair clip.
I thought there were far fewer novelty/unusual bikes this year?
Apart from the posse on the funny treading machines. I didn't see any Ken/Santander bikes, bmxs or pennies. Saw a few spaceframe Moultons leaving London Fields, and several Bromptons on the way. One guy on a bakers bike with big box upfront. I was impressed by the orange cargo bike with big sound system in front, 24" wheels I think, going at a fair clip.