"You can only have your money if the person who points out our criminal and morally reprehensible attitude towards young people, steps down".
Fucking clowns. Drowning out one of the most effective voices for marginalised, abused and neglected (by both family and state) young people because they don't like being told how shit they are.
She is now only taking an advocacy and clinical position, which is better than nothing but without her there wouldn't be a Kids Company.
Most of this was sparked off by some butt hurt donators not getting their name on a wing of some centre somewhere so got the Spectator involved to say they (KC) were wasteful and not fit for purpose (total bollocks), using Camila as a scape goat. Press went slightly sour so politicians want her out in case they are seen to be throwing good money after bad.
The whole thing fucking stinks.
I'm really not sure it's that simple. Someone who used to work at Kids Company said on R5 Live today that she is 'a south London Sepp Blatter'.
Personally I am always very wary of charities or organisations run by 'charismatic' individuals without whom there would be no organisation. From a governance point of view, there be dragons.
Not disagreeing with your sentiment on the Tory approach to child poverty though, or charities for that matter. They are currently busy applying political pressure to the Charities Commission to prevent any form of campaigning.
Using a liquid manure based metaphor, it's fine for charities to clean up the mess politicians make, but how very dare they even think about turning off the shit tap at source.
Looks like any new Govt funding has "and Camila Batmanghelidjh can do one" strings attached.