I reckon hot weather brings out the princess in most cats at some point (humans too, tbh).
I wouldn't worry too much about her being less interested in food occassionally, as long as she's definitely drinking?
Also, you know you can buy really cheap catnip in Brixton Healthfoods? I was amused to see it in between the jars of camomile and dandelion.
She doesn't like catnip... tries expensive one, free one, cheap one... nah... cat guess she like, which is why I am planting some this wekeend... still time left yet for the summer growth...
Since I started shutting the catflap at night again, I hardly see the cat again... she comes in before I go to bed, and goes out again when I come home from work... it's like we are taking turn guarding the flat...
The princess seems to have gone on a hunger strike... so there seems to be a national shortage of supply of Kitty's usual brand of wet food... OK I only went to 3 shops... anyway, so I bought another brand, which is just as premium... everytime I open the tin, she comes running, I put the food in her bowl, she sniffs twice, licks once... then walks away... sometimes I really hate my cat!