That is a mighty fine pro fan tip! My cats (and the dog) have taken to spreading themselves out on the clay tiled kitchen floor. Coolest place in the house. Might try it myself next time it goes above 30c. I did go and lie out on the lawn in a vest and shorts last night - not many evenings in the year when that doesn't sound totally crazy. My cats thought it was weird, obvs.
Getting a bit worried about the number of frogs they're bringing in from the pond a few doors along - always alive, usually at dusk or after rain. The neighbour's dog actually eats them :/
I don't mind picking up and releasing the slimy, leggy little bastards but as I'm going away soon, for a while, my poor frog-phobic mum will have to deal with them until they hibernate again in Oct/Nov. I dread returning home at Christmas to find an assortment of putrid and/or dried-up dead frogs, mice, slugs, and other once-living 'gifts' under my bed...or worse.
I suspect there will be a lot of shutting outside and mouth-checking going on. :/
Maybe get your mum a long arm clip/tog thing, you know what people use to pick up rubbish on the street before you go... this has helped me a lot in overcoming my phobia with my lovely presents my loving cat brings me... now I look at the dead bodies and think they are rather cute... except for the ones with certain body parts.
PRO FAN TIP: put a 2 litre water bottle filled with tap water in the freezer until it freezes solid. Remove frozen bottle from freezer and put in front of fan. Switch fan on. Rejoice as room receives a continuous stream of tiny ice-cold droplets into its air.