They can customise an existing suit (I'm likely to do this for Assos), they have a club Speedsuit £110, SuperSuit £200, a Bioracer-made Supersuit with ribbed arms - that I wore in my last two races £265 I think it was and a fully custom, made-to-measure Bioracer option which is big dorra and I couldn't get soon enough for the 12hr so went with the cheaper option.
They can customise an existing suit (I'm likely to do this for Assos), they have a club Speedsuit £110, SuperSuit £200, a Bioracer-made Supersuit with ribbed arms - that I wore in my last two races £265 I think it was and a fully custom, made-to-measure Bioracer option which is big dorra and I couldn't get soon enough for the 12hr so went with the cheaper option.