I was hoping to do that, but like you say, chain line. Velo Solos website suggests that they'd be very helpful, so I might shoot off an email to them. I haven't go any components for it yet, so its all still negotiable. Thanks for the help.
@Rodolfo, what crank/bb size/standard do think would do the trick, surely chain line becomes less important when you fit a derailleur etc.?
dunno. iirc velosolo has extensive info on their website covering the topic op disc hub to fixed cog conversion. i reckon you have 130mm dropouts?
makes sense that the wider bb would work with gears again, double chainring bbs tend to be wider then those for single ones.just check on velosolo the resulting chainline. what kind of chainset you running?
Depends whether they expect to be able to flip the wheel round without changing anything else.