So, this morning I'm having a lovely ride in and enjoying the blue sky and fine weather when out of a side road on the opposite side of the road a car comes tearing out with a gaggle of Children in the back joinng the lane and direction I'm going in causing me to brake sharpish to avoid getting kerrrrunched and yell 'Oi Wake up fella' to alert the driver that I'm actually there... the kids are getting excited that their chauffeur nearly drove into a Cyclist and start yelling at him... his retort to them and me?..........."Get on the path you bluddy idiot!".... Hang on.... I thought....
I invited him to pull over and discuss this thinking but he drove off sharpish.
So, this morning I'm having a lovely ride in and enjoying the blue sky and fine weather when out of a side road on the opposite side of the road a car comes tearing out with a gaggle of Children in the back joinng the lane and direction I'm going in causing me to brake sharpish to avoid getting kerrrrunched and yell 'Oi Wake up fella' to alert the driver that I'm actually there... the kids are getting excited that their chauffeur nearly drove into a Cyclist and start yelling at him... his retort to them and me?..........."Get on the path you bluddy idiot!".... Hang on.... I thought....
I invited him to pull over and discuss this thinking but he drove off sharpish.
So, this morns commute expressed in song =