I had similar on the Regents Canal path near Islington recently. Posh entitled-sounding old lady positioned herself to minimise the useable path around her, I pulled to the left between two mooring bollards and stopped (with her probably 5 metres away so well in advance) to let her pass. As she got closer she called, imperiously; "I'm sorry to say that you are going far too fast!".
I had similar on the Regents Canal path near Islington recently. Posh entitled-sounding old lady positioned herself to minimise the useable path around her, I pulled to the left between two mooring bollards and stopped (with her probably 5 metres away so well in advance) to let her pass. As she got closer she called, imperiously; "I'm sorry to say that you are going far too fast!".
Quoth I; "I'm stationary".
No response from the old bat.