Well this never really turned into a proper current projects, as my old man got a hold of the frame and brought it back to life himself. Thought I'd update it regardless.
Components are a bit of a mish-mash, but it works well:
Shimano Deoere FD&RD
Campangolo Champ Triple
Mavic Kysrium Equipes
Ultegra Headset
Raleigh Quill
Campy handlebars
Flite Ti
Fizik Tape
Well this never really turned into a proper current projects, as my old man got a hold of the frame and brought it back to life himself. Thought I'd update it regardless.
Components are a bit of a mish-mash, but it works well:
Shimano Deoere FD&RD
Campangolo Champ Triple
Mavic Kysrium Equipes
Ultegra Headset
Raleigh Quill
Campy handlebars
Flite Ti
Fizik Tape