Yeah I think this is a big part of it. I felt tired, and despite putting out near identical power (AP/NP) to my previous go on that course, I was 15w down on the SB power that I set on Wednesday. I think that the tiredness, and the associated low motivation meant that I was lazy and allowed my power slump on the difficult sections of the course while I still managed to pushed on a bit during the easy sections.
Slacking off in the hard times is exactly the opposite of what I should have been doing.
Nice to meet @mdcc_tester and @umop3pisdn on Saturday, although too briefly.
I'm still trying to work out how I managed to go so mysteriously slow. I rode the same course at the end of May on what was widely considered to be a slow afternoon. Everyone was talking about Saturday being a quick day and almost everyone else who rode both events (5ish riders) saw a 30-60 second improvement... I went 30seconds slower off a near identical average power. Humph.