Parcelfarce: had stuff delivered to my current address by them fine before, including when we haven't been in and they've taken it half a mile to our local post office.
Here's the end of the log for a 48hr service:
11/6/2015 0:34 Preston Depot Received at delivery depot
11/6/2015 0:37 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
11/6/2015 13:29 Preston Depot Address problem - insufficient address
11/6/2015 23:11 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
12/6/2015 11:06 Preston Depot Delivery attempted
12/6/2015 19:48 Preston Depot Returned to depot
12/6/2015 19:48 Preston Depot Returned to sender
12th being last Friday, I'd been to the pub to support the World Naked Bike Ride, got home 3:30am. I haven't had a "you were out card". I message the eBay seller to tell him what's going on and confirm my address is correct. He contacts ParcelFarce and tells them not to be such muppets...
15/6/2015 12:12 Preston Depot Redelivery scheduled
15/6/2015 23:32 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
16/6/2015 7:50 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
17/6/2015 1:17 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
17/6/2015 12:24 Preston Depot Delivered
So, what kind of muppet was too lazy to ask for help when he didn't understand how to find a building that's been just off the named road since 1975, and why the fuck did it take them until Wednesday, 6 days late, to get it out of a van and to my door?
Finally, "Delivered" with a name and scrawl I don't recognise wouldn't be quite so panic inducing if there was also a photo of the door they'd delivered to (or attempted to).
Read a map
Try to contact the addressee or sender if you've got a problem
Leave a "you were out card", with a photo of the door.
If you've missed your advertised timescale, don't waste more time moving it from van to van.
When something is signed off, get a photo of the door.
Parcelfarce: had stuff delivered to my current address by them fine before, including when we haven't been in and they've taken it half a mile to our local post office.
Here's the end of the log for a 48hr service:
11/6/2015 0:34 Preston Depot Received at delivery depot
11/6/2015 0:37 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
11/6/2015 13:29 Preston Depot Address problem - insufficient address
11/6/2015 23:11 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
12/6/2015 11:06 Preston Depot Delivery attempted
12/6/2015 19:48 Preston Depot Returned to depot
12/6/2015 19:48 Preston Depot Returned to sender
12th being last Friday, I'd been to the pub to support the World Naked Bike Ride, got home 3:30am. I haven't had a "you were out card". I message the eBay seller to tell him what's going on and confirm my address is correct. He contacts ParcelFarce and tells them not to be such muppets...
15/6/2015 12:12 Preston Depot Redelivery scheduled
15/6/2015 23:32 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
16/6/2015 7:50 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
17/6/2015 1:17 Preston Depot Loaded to vehicle for delivery
17/6/2015 12:24 Preston Depot Delivered
So, what kind of muppet was too lazy to ask for help when he didn't understand how to find a building that's been just off the named road since 1975, and why the fuck did it take them until Wednesday, 6 days late, to get it out of a van and to my door?
Finally, "Delivered" with a name and scrawl I don't recognise wouldn't be quite so panic inducing if there was also a photo of the door they'd delivered to (or attempted to).
Read a map
Try to contact the addressee or sender if you've got a problem
Leave a "you were out card", with a photo of the door.
If you've missed your advertised timescale, don't waste more time moving it from van to van.
When something is signed off, get a photo of the door.