Here's my other front wheel with the 25mm tyre on, I would say the gap's reduced to 1-1.5mm each side. Would be very tight with a 28 on a similar, wide rim but if you're running narrow rims it'd fit.
Tbh I was tempted by Minimals for this, they're quite a bit lighter thanks to the carbon steerer, but once I stumbled across the Reynolds at that price it was a done deal.
I had a similar conundrum to you this week, wanted some nicer riding, comfier potentially larger tyres for my everyday wheelset. Glad I went with 25s in the end (though 27s would have fit) which feel both quick and comfy and should leave room for guards come winter
Here's my other front wheel with the 25mm tyre on, I would say the gap's reduced to 1-1.5mm each side. Would be very tight with a 28 on a similar, wide rim but if you're running narrow rims it'd fit.
Tbh I was tempted by Minimals for this, they're quite a bit lighter thanks to the carbon steerer, but once I stumbled across the Reynolds at that price it was a done deal.