Exposure just confirmed charge light to full mains USB at 1ah only 1h longer then mains charger at 1.4ah and using a power pack as cache with 2a output should not damage it. As well it should work with minimal battery power left while loading so be in fact a dynamo light?
I don't see any reason the sine wave wouldn't do exactly what you want. Mine works flawlessly.
I wasn't happy with the battery I had before. But I've read good reviews on some anker batteries. You might have to try a few until you find one your happy with.
Exposure just confirmed charge light to full mains USB at 1ah only 1h longer then mains charger at 1.4ah and using a power pack as cache with 2a output should not damage it. As well it should work with minimal battery power left while loading so be in fact a dynamo light?
The sinewave will give enough power for this; what do you think?
As well which cache battery have you got, for my setup the magic word seems to be pass through charging? Was thinking of http://www.amazon.co.uk/Zendure-A2-Portable-Charger-6000mAh-Silver/dp/B00ICYOUCK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1413537966&sr=8-1&keywords=zendure+a2