After providing about 2.5 years of service, my moon comet and meteor have had it. The battery on the meteor will barely last 1.5 hours on the lowest constant beam setting, and the comet likewise. So what are my options? Do I just buy another meteor and comet set? I'm quite happy with them, and I'll have spare brackets too. Or do I go for a comet rear and a set of AyUp's road fronts?
Anyone using Ayups and can comment on handlebar/battery placement?
After providing about 2.5 years of service, my moon comet and meteor have had it. The battery on the meteor will barely last 1.5 hours on the lowest constant beam setting, and the comet likewise. So what are my options? Do I just buy another meteor and comet set? I'm quite happy with them, and I'll have spare brackets too. Or do I go for a comet rear and a set of AyUp's road fronts?
Anyone using Ayups and can comment on handlebar/battery placement?