I remember thinking, "where are the doormen?! If these dudes decide they want some of me...then I'm done."
[...] it hit home how it felt to be weaker and perved over.
precisely. it can range from annoying to terrifying to humiliating to infuriating. mostly, i find the comments to be annoying, and their reactions to my indifference or fighting back to be the really scary part. it's not worth calling them out or trying to say something most of the time in case they become aggressive. it is absolutely the worst to be made to feel objectified and weak when i'm just commuting home/similar, and then called a fat slag or a frigid bitch because i'm not approving of their catcalling. I JUST WANT TO RIDE MY BIKE.
i haven't posted in the thread much recently but it still happens nearly every day. yesterday both on the way to and from track yesterday i got an mmm alright darling and one of these. a couple of weeks ago i was cycling home with laner - at one point i was about twenty metres behind him riding in the bus lane when a car of young men pulls up alongside me, cruising and winding down the passenger seat windows. i can't remember exactly what they said now (i try not to hold onto things like that) but it must have been something involving my number or going 'for a ride' or something, my answer was a definitive and uninterested nope and i sped up. they correspondingly sped up but when i caught laner they realised i was with him and drove off. case in point: it's not a compliment, it's an expression of power that pathetic men try to pull over women.
it's like when someone asks you out in a bar/similar and you say no thanks, i've got a boyfriend, and they hopefully leave you alone. because you know full well that just saying no thanks, i'm not interested wouldn't be enough. they respect the mere mention of a presence of another man more than they respect you as a woman or your opinion.
nb - obvious addendum of not all men. just the shit ones.
It's deffo different. I'll guess you've never felt humiliated by it. Ever. Many years ago I learned how it felt to be sexually harassed: I stood in the wrong section in DC10, Ibiza. The dudes were huge (god-like bodies but huge mostly 6' 2"+) just watching me in every direction I looked. I remember thinking, "where are the doormen?! If these dudes decide they want some of me...then I'm done."
A lot of it was due to the dehydration + the other stuff you do on a party holiday but it hit home how it felt to be weaker and perved over.