• #1202
Maybe there's more swimming in the afternoon?
• #1203
Yeah I'll bring my wetsuit just in case :-)
• #1204
Just received a pair of cep ultralights to say thank you for setting up the session I ran with them on Tuesday - a very nice surprise!
• #1205
Decisions decisions... Unless parcelforce exceed my expectations and deliver my new clincher wheel this afternoon, I've got a decision to make.
a) Use my tubular H3 front and find space to carry spares for both tubular and clincher.
b) Use my tubular H3 front and my normal spares kit (i.e. for clinchers) and risk getting stuck with a front flat.
c) Use my training wheel (R500 w. 27mm tyre) and don't worry about tubs. -
• #1206
I asked this morning and there's no swimming in Lake 32 this afternoon but you can swim at some of the other lakes nearby. Had a nice dip this morning, saw a massive fish which I wasn't keen on but otherwise quite pleasant.
• #1207
Awesome thanks. I'm just going to drive over for registration now so I'll bring my swim kit.
Fear of being eaten alive by fishes is the reason my sister swims so fast in open water... Whenever we've been together it takes an age to persuade her into the water and then she does a single lap sprinting as if her life depended on it before sprinting out of the water and refusing to get back in again!
How was the wetsuit, and have you tried the TT bike yet?
• #1208
Finding space to carry spares for tub&clincher might eat up the aero advantage.
• #1209
The wetsuit is alright, the legs keep filling with water as it's a bit big to make up for being tall enough. Haven't ridden the TT bike yet. I feel like a right tit for having bought it, tbh. Who buys a bike and then gets too scared to ride it?
Maybe see you at registration - we're just in the pub at the moment (#raceprep).
• #1214
My wife did her first triathlon today (Windsor) and finished in 2.51 despite burning 12 minutes in transition. She went faster on every leg then I thought possible! Very proud!
• #1215
awesome, work @ewanmac, @hats and Mrs @T-V.
Windsor completed and despite my prediction that things were faster, i only managed to take 2.5 minutes off my time, but i was 18th man, 4th in my age group and only beaten by one girl!
pretty pleased, it is the 5th time i've come 4th in a race so far this year though, need to put in a little extra effort!
• #1216
Well done @Sainsburys_Ed, Mrs @T-V and of course @ewanmac :)
Ewan, I did hear you on the run, thanks! I also saw you on the bike but made a sound like a pigeon cooing and luckily no one at all heard it. I checked your times, nice! How did you find it? You looked fast!
I had a pretty torrid time: panicked at the start of the swim and only got into it in the last 400 metres; felt really weak and feeble on the bike, which meant I was SLOW (I'm actually shocked at how slow); the run was just a disaster, felt pretty awful but at about 9k I found some (actually nice!) toilets and was horrified at how I looked - deathly white. My mum saw me about 1k later and was so concerned about me that she decided not to tell me that my brother had DNF'd due to a mechanical as she thought I might stop too. Transitions were megalols, T2 especially as some dickwad had put their stuff all over my stuff and I was convinced my rack was somewhere else so wandered about for a while.
In my defence I've not trained at all. Today was the first time I swam 1.9k and the 2nd time I've swum in open water, and I've barely cycled/run for over a month due to new job/new house/new city/etc. I feel awful that my brother got the mechanical and not me. He'd trained and was on track for a good time - I feel like I barely deserve my medal.
Lots to learn I guess. I'll do a proper write up when I'm feeling less tired and self-critical.
• #1217
My overlong thoughts on my race:
Results here: http://dbmax.racetecresults.com/MyResults.aspx?CId=16421&RId=8006&EId=1&AId=6846
Swim: As per the plan I tried to stay relaxed from the start. I started at the front, and had clear water right from the beginning - there were two fast groups ahead, one on each side, but I had a big space of clear water around me. Coming round the first buoy I could see a group just ahead and to my right and moved across to get into their slipstream - however by the time I moved over I had already cruised past them. At this point I looked up and saw that I was in 2nd place for my wave and that first place already had a big gap. Trying not to get over excited, I focused on settling into a rhythm and staying as relaxed as possible. My sighting was awful, and I went on a very scenic tour of the lake leading a small group of followers on a merry chase behind me. Given that I was in 2nd, I really didn’t want to let it get to my head so I focused on the mantra relax and maintain technique - it felt like I was swimming at endurance pace (CSS+5sec) but I was still at the head of my group and we were flying past the wave in front so it can’t have been too bad. Three quarters of the way round, I felt water getting into the back of my wetsuit, a little at first but more and more and it felt like I was swimming in a bathtub with the water sloshing around me. I took the penultimate buoy wide and dropped back into 3rd place to follow 2nd into T1. I think this was a good move as I think his draft made up for all the extra drag and I was able to follow his feet through the crowd of the wave in front.
Bike: I got out on the bike with no issues and settled into holding 205-215w. It was pretty hairy at times as I was passing hundreds of people from the waves in front on some pretty narrow roads, and the fast guys from the first wave were already coming back in the opposite direction. Annoyingly, a group of slower riders swerved across the road as I was passing them forcing me over a pothole and ejecting my bottle. We were only 15minutes in, and since it was my only source of nutrition I wasn’t prepared to lose it so soon. Fortunately it was clear behind so I turned back to retrieve it. Back on the road, I caught up with the same group of riders just before we got to a particularly narrow section where there was no overtaking allowed. I slotted in behind the group and cruised through the gap. As I was getting back up to speed on the open road, I began to pass the group, calling (as politely as I could) “coming through on your right” and thanking people as I passed. About halfway past the group one of the riders looked over his shoulder, strait at me before standing on his pedals to swerve out and begin his own overtaking move. I was sat up on the hoods, but there was probably a 10km/h speed differential and he came right across me when we were already side by side forcing me off the road. As I fought to control my bike and get back on the tarmac he shouted and swore at me for overtaking on a dangerous stretch of road (ignoring the fact that the way was clear and that he was pulling out to overtake himself!). Strong words were had once I was back on the road and finally passed him. The rest of the 1st lap was uneventful, and I managed to maintain a constant effort although it was a bit like doing micro intervals as you accelerated past groups or cruised behind them waiting for a safe overtake. I collected 500ml of water at the aid station (despite them saying that the bottles would be 750ml) before setting out on the second lap. As I passed the spot where I dropped the bottle on the 1st lap, I had to stop again to dislodge a long strand of electrical tape that had got fouled up on my wheel.
As the 2nd lap wore on I began to feel a little bit pooped, and going up the solitary hill on the course, my quads felt like they were lacking any top end power. My power slipped back from around 210w to 190-200w and I just felt drained… It was noticeably hard to concentrate and it was almost like I didn’t have enough fuel, even though I was bang on plan WRT nutrition. I made sure that I finished all my bike nutrition about 10-15km before T2 to allow my tummy to settle but I was worried about feeling weak so I grabbed a bottle of High 5 coming through the final aid station and had a couple of sips.
Run: As I set out on the run I felt even more wobbly, and just 200m out of transition I was violently sick. I was stopped for about 3 minutes and vomited up at least a couple of litres of fluid… it was like I hadn’t absorbed any of my bike nutrition at all. It was pretty unpleasant but as soon as I was able I began walking and then trotting. I thought about pulling out but instead decided to ditch the run plan (4:28/km) and just jog round on feel. A couple of fast boys from an earlier wave passed me but I was still overtaking lots of other people which gave me a boost. I had a gel straight after being sick and then another 10 minutes later and then 15 minutes later and by that point I was feeling much better and was running pretty close to schedule. On the second lap I continued to run on feel, but was also pushing on a bit. At the beginning of the final lap a woman passed me and since I was beginning to feel a bit better I resolved to stick with her. She was about 10m ahead and looked super strong and smooth… far better than any of the men who had passed me, but I held a steady distance for the first half of the lap. Around the halfway point I caught and passed her, but she responded and overtook me again a couple of minutes later. She was clearly running faster than I would have if I’d been left to my own devices so I used her as inspiration and followed as closely as I could. The run course was really crowded by this point and we were tearing through the smallest gaps. 600m out we flew past another woman, who looked shocked and tried but failed to respond. I moved ahead with about 400m to go and accelerated towards the finish. I thought I was sprinting, but suddenly I heard a charging sound just behind my right shoulder - chivalry be damned… I found another gear and I crossed the line at full sprint (2:49/km according to TP) about 20cm ahead.
In the end I think the lady I ran with finished 2nd woman overall, 1st in category and fastest female run (36th fastest run overall). I think lady we surprised ended up finishing in 3rd after a strong bike but losing 5minutes on the run. I think I owe her a big thanks for spurring me on for the final lap.
I finished 26th overall and 4th in cat. It’s my first triathlon finish since 2011 and possibly one of my best results, although it's been so long since I raced a HIM that I can't really remember.
Things could definitely have gone better but yeah… pretty happy with that. I definitely need to sort out my nutrition though.
• #1218
I feel like I barely deserve my medal.
Nonsense! A finish is a finish and it's an awesome achievement no matter which way you cut it. Even more deserved given that it was your first time and that you hadn't been able to prepare properly.
• #1219
I rode the bike leg for a team in the EtonMan Middle Distance Tri yesterday. Hats off to those who do all 3 disciplines but the bike leg was more than enough for me, mainly as I'd drown in the lake. Predicted I'd ride 2 hrs 30 mins (expecting better conditions) and my official time for the bike leg was 2:29:59 so I wasn't far off. Tough day with a constant cross wind that felt like a constant head wind. Did it on a road bike with no aero stuff, so pleased to record 4th fastest bike time against the sea of £10k mega-tri-sleds. Pleased with my 272w average too and to take us from 53rd to 5th, which my running mate held on to. And we raised some cash for charridy which was the main aim.
• #1220
You were ok...the runner holding off the hordes did ok too ;)
• #1221
Well done!
• #1222
So they've closed my local pool for the summer, and its 8C and raining sideways outside (sea temp 7C).
I've torn my right calf. Which is healing. But I cant currently run.
My first Tri is in 10 days.
• #1223
Well dont Hats!
And Ewan - Your HM at the end of a middle-distance tri was about the same time as my HM PB, despite you having to stop and vomit for a few minutes! Amazing.
• #1224
@ewanmac nice write up!
Have another Olympic this weekend, the Dambuster, and hopefully a chance to improve on Windsor performance wise, hopefully no cramp and my handlebars falling off will generate a bit of an improvement!
Then a solid block of training before the Marlow Middle distance race will get me somewhere close to your 70.3 time!
• #1225
If you do 4:30 at Marlow you'll be flying... I think the course is much harder?
The cotswold race was super flat so ideal if you want a quick time. It's also a few km short which helps too :-)
Eugh... I live an hour away. There's no way I'm making the journey twice, and I don't fancy waiting around for 4 hours waiting for registration to open. I guess I won't be swimming...