The mortgage is £260 less per month than the rent we are paying atm so considering the worst case scenario it'll be harder to pay rent than mortgage. The usual counter-argument is 'there is less risk' .. how? If I stop paying rent I'll get kicked out; if I stop paying mortgage I'll get kicked out. I/we have no friends or family here to move in with so if shit hits the fan (which it wont) it'll be one way tickets back home.
can you elaborate?
The mortgage is £260 less per month than the rent we are paying atm so considering the worst case scenario it'll be harder to pay rent than mortgage. The usual counter-argument is 'there is less risk' .. how? If I stop paying rent I'll get kicked out; if I stop paying mortgage I'll get kicked out. I/we have no friends or family here to move in with so if shit hits the fan (which it wont) it'll be one way tickets back home.