• #27
Until you hit someone.
• #28
So an Alleycat with brakes and freewheel hubs?
• #29
Some it looks so inefficient. Most vids of what you seem to be trying to emulate show speed irrespective of local road laws. You on the other hand seem to just be flauting the laws for its own sake without gaining any advantage.
And, if those are the "edited" "highlights"...
• #30
Most are fixed, some road bikes as it was 40 mile race
• #31
Well that's ok, I mean, 40 miles fixed would be a long way wouldn't it.
Are you entering Red Hook London? Entries open tomorrow and judging by the high speed adrenalin junkie footage you'll walk it!
• #32
And not a single bus was stroked that day.
• #33
40 miles fixed would be a long way wouldn't it.
• #34
I detect sarcasm in your response, but Yh some of the racers are entering a team for it
• #35
What team?
• #36
• #37
Have you tried Cycle Training? Kind of appropriate you were taking in the cemeteries. Were you choosing your plot?
• #38
Cock sucker there gonna be called
• #39
Should have gone with 'The Foreskin Drawbacks'
• #40
I've found this other video of Marco, hope you recovered ok
• #41
40 miles fixed would be a long way wouldn't it.
has anyone ever ridden that far on fixed
it's unpossible isn't it?
• #42
When you see the races on the telly the routes they ride look bigger but everything looks bigger on the telly. Tour de france next month and it might look like some epic rides across a vast country but france is actually smaller than the isle of man.
• #43
Certainly looks small on the map:
Not far from The Hills though.
• #44
I ride sik, grandads
Where's my Werthers Originals you little git?
• #45
Wait is that yewtree HQ...
• #46
i was just so surprised at how slow the riding was, isn't it supposed to be a race...
also, pellet
• #47
Whoever created that video made a major fuckup on the frame rate conversion. Almost completely unwatchable.
• #48
They did spend a lot of time waving at everyone
• #49
Never hit a pedestrian in my life and there usually crossing when they shouldn't anyway.
Also, get a fucking clue. Pedestrians can cross the road when the fuck they want. You sound like one of those drivers who moan about cyclists not paying road tax.
• #50
yeah there all okay though aren't they
So when you get horribly and deliberately close passed by a dick in a car you are like that's totally fine, he didn't actually hit me.
I bet you're actually the type who'd go fucking mental if someone did that to you.
Haha fair, still fast though