• Cheers for the feedback Beagle.

    10pm lights out is pretty good, but it would be good to have a skirting board around the base if the ball is sticking in the gap. Who is the 'they' you refer to, is it the local council, Camden or Islington? Or maybe some other body like a Kings X regeneration quango?

    Maybe we could contact them, with a few pictures of the setup at Newington, and ask for them to be put in place. The LHBPA could probably even buy the boards (they are scaffolding planks).

    What's the deal with the lights? Do you have to ask someone to switch them on every time you want to play?

  • It seems like a local council rep thingy which you need to contact, they are based just beside University of Arts. There's a number provided on the notice board by the entrance but I stupidly didnt note it down.
