Depends how much you want it! They sell for a wide range of prices on ebay. I saw one go for 200 quid last month, although it was in croatia I think. Theres one on ebay now asking for 1500 which nobody has bought in long time. How much is the seller asking for?
This is about £1200, and I'm not sure how lower he's willing to go...
The receipt shows he paid €4000 for it in december 2012, so I guess he won't let it go for peanuts :(
£200 is what a C-stem goes for! That must have been stolen or something wrong with it for sure!
plus the c-stem and few other bits included, so I guess it's all legit @c4shr :
@Hovis @T-V @6pt
What do you think will be a fair price for it at this point? I'm really really tempted