Ahhh the late afternoon lull. Coffee crash, not enough slow release carbs at lunch, mental exhaustion at how stupid Gordon can be....
Grab a banana whilst you get changed, leave work but just lock your bike up and do something else for 5 mins before you head off. I used to pop into a record store just down the road and flick through the racks before going home. I found those extra few minutes to normalise myself before heading home helped a lot instead of dragging the days stress straight onto the bike.As for sleep, zma can help you get into a deeper sleep quicker, giving you more useful sleep. Although what I found with zma is that if I get woken up during the night I have real difficulties getting back to sleep.
Depends what you mean by feeling fucked?
My commuter fatigue was a mix of poor sleep and a monotonous route. Changing routes helped a lot...having a newborn didn't.
How far is your commute and what do you eat straight off the bike both ways?