For want of a better way to put it, my daily routine, and financial discipline was tied in with my then job. When the job switch failed, I had to take a fall back job until I sorted myself out (still not done) which paid substantially less- £10k ish. Whilst I saw this was possible, I didn't really believe it would happen to be honest. This put me on the edge of paying rent, just. Then something went bad with my family, which put me back a few grand from savings. Add to that the changes fucked with my head, and any financial discipline I had more or less disappeared, so I wasn't saving where I could. Which is fine while we're renting with the money in the bank- but we wouldn't have had that if we'd spent the deposit.
None of this is necessarily relevant to you, of course, but it's now a strong belief that work shapes habits, and changes should happen one thing at a time. I'm also a bit less laissez faire about contingency planning, and reading this thread, it seems that applies to houses more than most things.
can you elaborate?
The mortgage is £260 less per month than the rent we are paying atm so considering the worst case scenario it'll be harder to pay rent than mortgage. The usual counter-argument is 'there is less risk' .. how? If I stop paying rent I'll get kicked out; if I stop paying mortgage I'll get kicked out. I/we have no friends or family here to move in with so if shit hits the fan (which it wont) it'll be one way tickets back home.