I've spent today planning touring in the highlands too, further west though. As mentioned, street view is perfect for this. If the road/track/path doesn't have street view then if you go on earth view and zoom in of the track, any photos taken in that area should pop up at the bottom. Pretty handy, although understandably sometimes people succeed in not having the track in their photo.
Whether a road is gravel or paved is shown on OSM Cycle map layer as a dashed line - you can enable the layer when planning a ride in http://www.ridewithgps.com
Anyone know where I can find info on the paving conditions on roads in Scotland? Planning a mini tour round the Cairngorms with my sister and I know from experience that the main roads can be less than inspiring, but the resolution on Google earth isn't good enough to see whether a lot of the smaller roads are paved or just gravel tracks. We'll be on road bikes so limited to roads with decent paved surfaces.