Temperature one (hundred) upmanship can do one. 250 plus a stone in a normal oven with good dough does great pizza with charred edges (and a kitchen full of smoke) in about 5 mins. If you feel you need more you're probably a serial bike upgrader, weight weenie, vape modding, bragging rights chaser, try-hard watcher of un-boxing videos in need of purpose in your life. If the manliness of the temperature your delicious home made pizza was cooked at doesn't enable sufficient internet smugness then you should probably just order a pizza.
If you feel you need more you're probably a serial bike upgrader, weight weenie, vape modding, bragging rights chaser, try-hard watcher of un-boxing videos in need of purpose in your life.
Temperature one (hundred) upmanship can do one. 250 plus a stone in a normal oven with good dough does great pizza with charred edges (and a kitchen full of smoke) in about 5 mins. If you feel you need more you're probably a serial bike upgrader, weight weenie, vape modding, bragging rights chaser, try-hard watcher of un-boxing videos in need of purpose in your life. If the manliness of the temperature your delicious home made pizza was cooked at doesn't enable sufficient internet smugness then you should probably just order a pizza.