We really should have just made one entry, Dam-furry. I'd ride up, and you can run. Feck running up a steep hill for 4 hours.
Last year, after making love to the road to stretch my horribly strained grion. I walked for a bit. But realised I had to jog just to hold pace With the Walkers I was chatting to. Bloody stumpy legs. Blah.
I think its really hard to gauge pace though. So definitely one for HR. I think I tried to hold 95% FTHR last year. It was bloody tough . But ultimately it was my bloody fallying apart that stopped me running. Not my heart or Fitness.
This year my left achilles will likely flare up. I really dont want to tear it again. So I'll just push 95% again untill it says walk.
Yes, still doing the ride - at I would think 92% of FTP for an hour and a half, as much less than that won't get me up the slope!
Pretty confident that my HM pace is around 1.35-1.40 if I were to give it the beans a bit.
So the question is how much the ride will have taken, and then how much the gradient takes on top of that.
I'm not really expecting anything from the ride this year, it's all about the run, but I'd like to get as close to 4 hours as possible.