After digging through my tools, it's a shimano:
http://www.rakuten.co.uk/shop/taylorwheels/product/16161909/?sku=16161909&sclid=a_pla_uk&$$ja=cgid:20170741716%7Ctsid:71873%7Ccid:271496316%7Clid:41477300408%7Cnw:g%7Ccrid:62637775116%7Crnd:16609606290572991152%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:1o3%7Cbku:1That's the 21, I've got the TL-SR. 22 which is the 1/8th version... There's also a 23 which from a bit of googling has added magnets to hold the chain in place when using the lockring tool.
You can get one that isn't stamped for much cheaper than the parks one... Buggered if I can find a link for it, but I've got a combined chainwip/lockring tool, that's plenty beefy and cost me about £15. Get two and have one 1/8th and the other 3/32 for the same price as the parks one.