bb-5500 exists in 70(ita)x109,5mm :) (https://nubuk-bikes.de/teileparts/antrieb/innenlager/innenlager-ita-70-1095mm-07-hollow-type-okurbelschraube/?gclid=Cj0KEQjwv6WrBRD4gbngqe7mosYBEiQAIB5oTINwm8-Bac1fnrZD-OjPJV7uUe5T5bRXcbH6uzsIbjQaApJB8P8HAQ) or here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/121661466889?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&fromMakeTrack=true
@mdcc_tester thanks man! that's what i meant. i just don't want to buy the ultraexpensive dura-ace bb. it's just not fair.
Yep, you need the shorter grooved octalink BB. BB-5500 is OK. Sometimes known as octalink V1 - shimano sneakily changed the spline length on the "v2"
Although, I'm not sure if italian thread, BB5500 70 x 109 (109mm is the axle length you need) exists?