Got a couple of bits kicking about which I have no further use for.
Parts are in cornwall, so postage for now. UK postage included in prices.
PM's and payment does the deal.
Any questions just ask.
Old Man Mountain "Sherpa" rear rack - £40posted
RRP £100. Excellent made racks, as sold at carradice, more info HERE
I have a frame with braze-on's for a rack, so I'm not using this any more and planning on saving a bit of weight and getting a tubus fly.
Hey All,
Got a couple of bits kicking about which I have no further use for.
Parts are in cornwall, so postage for now. UK postage included in prices.
PM's and payment does the deal.
Any questions just ask.
Old Man Mountain "Sherpa" rear rack - £40posted
RRP £100. Excellent made racks, as sold at carradice, more info HERE
I have a frame with braze-on's for a rack, so I'm not using this any more and planning on saving a bit of weight and getting a tubus fly.
Rotor 3D+ Chainset - gone elsewhere
53/39 no q rings
excellent condition
Phil Wood Grease Tool - SOLD
Pair of SS King Cages - SOLD
Campagnolo Crank bolts - £13 posted
stamped "brev int. made in italy" very nice clean example.
Rapha L/S Shirt - SOLD
XL, Dark Olive, nice cut and detail, but the arms are not long enough for me. worn once briefly and forgotten about
Pair of Paul Comp. Cross Levers - £45 posted SOLD PP
Silver, 26mm clamp, in excellent condition
Dura Ace 7800 Long Cage Rear Mech - SOLD
10 speed, excellent condition all round.
couple more pics of things HERE