Still working with her. We're hoping that her re-introduction to the wild (accidentally-on-purpose making her sound like a tiger) will give her the freedom and space to escape the kittens when she needs to and regain equilibrium. She is still showing signs of stress re eating (bolting down whatever we give her and begging for more) and growling at kittens/us from time to time, but this seems less of a problem now they're a bit bigger and seem less fragile - plus they're also very well adjusted/socialised and her craziness doesn't seem to be particularly unsettling them.
It's tricky at the moment as we can't let them all out (they're too small) so we need to keep them separate when we allow her access to the world but hopefully in a month or so they'll all be ready to go out and once they're happily coming and going we hope she'll chill out. She's a lovely cat when she's not growling at the world. She had an excellent growl-off yesterday with my beard trimmer. She also tends to have very firm words with the hoover whenever he makes an appearance.
What was the outcome with the stressed-out mum, if any?