I usually get the opposite where scooter and motorcyclists can't squeeze through a gap and than I have to politely ask them to move aside so I can ride down it..
I should also point out in counterpoint, that last week I also had a motorcyclist pull into his lane to let me pass, without any fuss or bother, so I've obviously just focused on the bad 'uns..
I've obviously just focused on the bad 'uns..
Sometimes think it would be a nice counterpoint to have a thread detailing the actions of good, attentive, and reasonable drivers, just to put into perspective how London is actually quite a pleasant place to cycle around the vast majority of the time. Would be as boring as shit tho, but when has that ever stopped this forum.
In my experience motorcyclists seem to think they have divine right to filter and no-one else can, to the put where I've been 'aggressively' (i.e. lots of revving) overtaken by one while filtering, only to get stuck behind him as he couldn't filter through the narrower gaps, the swine