• I'm with @howard, and @hairnetnic, sad to say that some police officers seem to hold the same views as some of the more moronic drivers out there.

    Had another interaction (disagreement) with a motorcyclist yesterday as I filtered through rush hour traffic heading towards the kings road. I'm on the right of traffic, but still in my lane, not having crossed over the white lane divider, courier on motorbike hooning it towards me, filtering between traffic, who has crossed over white lane divider, so in my lane, seems to feel I should move aside to let him pass, tells me there are two fucking gutters to ride in and should stay there. I tell him to get into his own fucking lane and go the fuck around.

    Would have the exchange again...

  • In my experience motorcyclists seem to think they have divine right to filter and no-one else can, to the put where I've been 'aggressively' (i.e. lots of revving) overtaken by one while filtering, only to get stuck behind him as he couldn't filter through the narrower gaps, the swine
