So I took my tyre. My cranks were fine.
Neither my riding partner nor I took any spokes, so he broke one. There's bugger all point me taking spokes, I'd probably ended up with a taco shell shaped wheel.
I took tubes obviously, and had a puncture when I took my bike out of the car.
I took quicklinks. Didn't need them
I did snap my seatpost. I had no spare. My riding partner in all seriousness said "I brought
some gaffer tape, do you want to try taping it on"Ho hum
Spare tyre weighs ~250g. Zip tie it to saddlepack for insurance.
Also, cranks could be fuxxored if they're coming loose and you rode on them. Double check 'em.
Have fun.
Oh, take enough food/coffee for the night/morning when nothing is open. Have a shit when you get the chance, don't leave it until 4am when nothing is open :) Don't use a Garmin 810.