I've got a different Efergy monitor (the e2 Classic), but it's not internet connected. I've saved the cost of it several times over by simply becoming aware of how much energy things use.
Mine is supposed to be able to download data to a computer application via a USB link, but the software for this was incredibly flaky and eventually I gave up. Coincidentally, I downloaded a new version from their website a couple of weeks ago, so I might give it another go.
My receiver unit does store daily usage for the previous seven days and shows an 'instant' reading. This was the most useful thing when I first got it - going round the flat turning things on and off to see what they used.
Mine is supposed to be able to download data to a computer application via a USB link, but the software for this was incredibly flaky and eventually I gave up.
Yeah, they still seem to be selling versions that do that - or maybe I'm thinking of one of the OWL devices? I like the idea of the web dashboard rather than a standalone app - less risk of having flaky desktop software forced onto me. Efergy seem to be the only company with a web dashboard and a sensible API at the moment, unless there's somebody else I haven't seen.
I connected the wattson years ago and understood what power everything uses so I actually stopped using it when the battery died.
Heh, yeah, can imagine it has limited repeat-view value. But then people said the same thing about Fitbit and I'm still using mine!
Cheers both, sounds like it'll be useful so I'll pick one up.
Anyone using one of these, or something similar? Any cop? http://efergy.com/uk/engage-hub-kit
I'm thinking of getting one as Eon are convinced I use 200% more power than other people in similar homes in my neighbourhood and are billing me as such, and I can't yet tell if it's because they're ignoring my dutifully-provided meter readings or if I really am using a ridiculous amount of energy. (Also because I am fond of gizmos)